Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Reflection: John 20:11-18

Tuesday within the Octave of Easter – John 20:11-18

Today Mary is outside of Jesus’ tomb weeping. However, this section of the Gospel is only a segment of the full story. While it was still dark, Mary had come to Jesus’ tomb. When Mary arrived at the tomb, the stone had been rolled away. How had this happened? Mary bent over and looked into the tomb. To her great surprise, there were two angels in the tomb! The angels were sitting at the head and the feet of where Jesus’ body had been.

The angels asked Mary why she was weeping. She told them that someone had taken Jesus’ body away and she did not know where they had taken it. As she turned around to leave the tomb, Jesus stood before her! However, she did not recognize him! Jesus then asks Mary: “Why are you weeping?” Mary assumed this man was the gardener. He surely would know where Jesus’ body had been taken. Mary begs him to tell her where Jesus was laid. At that moment, Jesus simply and lovingly speaks her name. He utters only one word: “Mary.” Instantly Mary’s eyes and heart were opened! She realized that Jesus was standing before her!

How often have we gone looking for Jesus? At times, we also have been desperate to find Jesus and experience his presence and care. At times, life often is more than we can handle on our own. Yes, we can and should depend on the people who care about us. However, we also need to experience the peace and reassurance of Jesus and his love and care.

Today Jesus will call us by name. Then Jesus will wait for us to reply. Will our minds and hearts be open and listening deeply enough to hear Jesus’ call? Or will we be too busy to hear his call? What a horrible loss that would be! Today may we strive to keep our hearts alert and attentive and our ears open! Today, Jesus also will call us by name!

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