Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Reflection: John 5:1-16

Tuesday of the 4th Week of Lent – John 5:1-16

This Gospel opens with Jesus traveling up to Jerusalem. When he arrives in Jerusalem, Jesus entered Jerusalem through the Sheep Gate, which was one of several entrances into Jerusalem. Near this gate was a pool called Bethsaida. This was a large area that had five porticos (entrances). These five porticos were filled with the sick, the lame and people who were near death.

Lying in the Sheep Gate was a man who had been there for 38 years. Can you imagine yourself living in a public area for 38 years? Did the man not have any family? Or had his family rejected him or were they too poor to care for him? Can you imagine not being in the midst of your family? The situation must have been debilitating for this man, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Had he come to the Sheep Gate primarily to beg? Or did this poor man still have hope that one day, he actually might be healed?

When Jesus came into the temple, he saw this man lying on the floor. Jesus could tell from the man’s debilitated appearance that he had been ill for many, many years. Jesus quietly walked over to the man and asked him a simple but very powerful question: “Do you want to be well?” I wonder if the man’s inner response was: “Well, of course, I want to be well! Who wouldn’t?”

However, the man did not answer the question that Jesus had posed. Rather, he says to Jesus: “I have no one to help me into the water when it is stirred up.” He told Jesus that by the time he got to the pool, others had already gotten into the water and there was no room for him. Jesus listened intently to the man. Then Jesus quietly, yet powerfully tells the man to stand up, take up his mat and walk. Jesus does not do a dramatic healing. Rather he quietly and lovingly speaks to the man.

The man immediately stands up, picks up his mat and walks! It must have taken him a few moments to get his balance after not using his legs for such a long time! Yet what a life changing moment this was for this man! He had been on the sidelines of life for many years. Now he could be active and involved once again. Perhaps he might even be able to have a trade and to actually support his family. No longer would he have to beg and be pitied. And perhaps, he actually might be able to help other people who were ill, poor and unable to sustain themselves.

When Jesus spoke the words: “Rise, take up your mat and walk,” a whole new world opened up for this man! Those simple yet healing words changed the man and his life forever. What a wonderful gift to receive. Today may we be open and listening to Jesus’ healing words for us! May we be attentive and “listen with the ear of our hearts!”

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