Friday, January 16, 2015

Reflection: Mark 2:1-12

First Week of Ordinary Time – Mark 2:1-12

Today Jesus returns to Capernaum. As the townspeople heard that Jesus was at home, they began to gather at the house where Jesus was. However, there were so many people that they did not have enough room for them.

As the word spread of Jesus’ presence, four men came. They were bringing a paralytic to him for healing. However, there were so many people gathered around Jesus that they could not get to Jesus. However, these men were resourceful. They simply opened up the roof above Jesus and lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw what deep faith these men had in Him, He immediately told the sick man that his sins were forgiven!

The scribes also were at this house and when they heard Jesus tell the man his sins were forgiven, the scribes were outraged and angry. Immediately they accused Jesus of blasphemy. Who did Jesus think He was? Only God has the power to forgive sin! Jesus knew what they were thinking as well as the judgment they were making. He immediately confronts them by asking them why they were judging Him then?

How often do I judge another unjustly? Do I judge another person perhaps out of jealousy or envy? Or perhaps I simply don’t like the person. The difficult thing is that often our minds automatically jump to judgment. This just seems to be a human reality. However, once I realize that I am judging, I can change my mind. I can change my thoughts---if I choose to!

Today we have a choice: to continue “automatic” judging or to consciously strive to make a more loving choice! Perhaps others may make a choice not to judge me today? What will you (and I) choose today?

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